Not to be confused with: Species

Tiers is the concept of the food-chain in; the different levels of animals that can be achieved. As players move up to higher tiers, they are able to exert predation on previous tiers. Outlines are used to express whether an animal is predator, prey, or too far away a tier to be edible. To upgrade to the next tier of animal, you must earn certain amounts XP through different types of food or killing other Animals. Currently, there are 17 tiers in the game, with all tiers except for the last one having at least one animal belonging to a different biome.


Tier 1

The first tier in; tier 1 animals are among the most simple and basic animals in the game. They typically have very few capabilities, except for the passive ability to sprint when injured. Through eating basic food sources such as Berries, Plankton and Dates, progressing on from tier 1 only takes a few minutes at most. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Mouse-S2 Mouse
The Mouse is the first animal that can be chosen in the Land biome. It has the ability to climb trees, but does so at a slow pace. It will also sprint when injured by a predator.
Shrimp-S2 Shrimp
The Shrimp is the first animal that spawns in the Ocean biome. It can move fast in bodies of water, but moves slow on land-masses. Shrimps will sprint when injured by a predator.
ArcticChipmunk-S2 Chipmunk
The Chipmunk is the first Arctic-spawning animal. It can climb trees, albeit at a slow pace. It will also sprint when injured by a predator
DesertRat-S2 Desert Rat
The Desert Rat is the first option for the Desert biome. It can climb trees, and will automatically start rapidly sprinting when injured by predators.
Tarsier Tarsier
The Tarsier is the first option for the Forest biome. It can climb trees and will automatically sprint if injured by any source.

Tier 2

At this tier, animals begin to develop Special Abilities that can be helpful to survive from predators and level up faster. Levelling up is still mostly no big deal, and should take not a long time provided one eats XP-fulfilling foods. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Rabbit-S2 Rabbit
The Rabbit is the second animal that spawns in the Land biome. It can move as fast as a Pig in the mud, although it cannot dive there. They can't be tail-bitten as they do not have a tail, and by pressing W, they create a hiding-hole that lasts for 20 seconds if unused.
Pigeon-S2 Pigeon
The Pigeon is the third animal that spawns in the Land biome. It has a flying ability that can be activated by pressing W, and keeps flying if the player keep holding the key, but slowly stops flying after a length of time. The cooldown time is 8 seconds if on land, but only 4 seconds if the Pigeon stays on a hill.
Trout-S2 Trout
The Trout is the second spawning Ocean animal. It has a sprint ability by pressing W, and will gain some speed momentarily but will lose just a bit of water in the process. Alike most Ocean animals, it moves swiftly in the Ocean but is extremely slow on land.
ArcticHare-S2 Arctic Hare
The Arctic Hare is the second spawning option for the Arctic biome. Alike the Rabbit, its ability is to burrow a small hole by pressing W, which stays for 20 seconds if unoccupied.
DesertChipmunk-S2 Desert Chipmunk
The Desert Chipmunk is the second spawning option for the desert biome. It's ability is a 'Spit Food' ability, which can be activated by pressing W, and it will boost the animal forwards. The Desert Chipmunk's food can be any given combination, and the food can also stun the animal that comes in contact with it.
Chukar-S2 Chukar
The Chukar is the second animal that spawns in the Forest biome. It has a flying ability activated by pressing W, allowing it to fly for 2 seconds. The Chukar can also climb hills.

Tier 3

The third tier in begins to develop slightly more useful special abilities. Options in terms of food broaden, but levelling up is still trivial. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Mole-S2 Mole
The Mole is one of the two tier 3 Land animals that can be chosen in the Land biome. By holding W, it can dig underground, similarly to diving under water. Moles cannot boost when digging.
Chicken-S2 Chicken
The Chicken is one of the two tier 3 Land animals that can be chosen in the Land biome. Chickens can climb trees and hills, at a slow rate. They also have a sprinting ability like the Shrimp and Desert Rat, but it is a Special Ability and can also be activated by player request.
Crab-S2 Crab
The Crab is the third animal that can be chosen in the Ocean biome. Unlike most other ocean animals, crabs can survive on dry land-masses, and thus are able to climb hills and rocks. Their special ability is to hide in a shell, which reduces damage taken but slows movement for the Crab. Additionally, crabs do not have tails, and can't be bitten by prey.
Penguin-S2 Penguin
The Penguin is the third animal that can be chosen in the Arctic biome. When on a patch of ice, Penguins can slide on it by holding W. When sliding, they gain a speed boost and become slightly more agile.
Meerkat-S2 Meerkat
The Meerkat is the third animal that can be chosen in the Desert biome. Like the Mole, it can dig underground. The dig lasts for a shorter duration of time, but will leave behind small patches of mud that slows down any animal that can't move around swiftly on mud. Meerkats are also fast on quicksand.
FlyingLizard Flying Lizard
The Flying Lizard is the third animal that can be chosen in the Forest biome. When on a hill or tree, it can glide by pressing W above the ground for a variable amount of time, maxing at 5 seconds. It can also climb hills, rocks, and trees. However, it cannot dive in water and mud.

Tier 4

Tier 4 is still a rather low tier in mope.ioā€™s food chain. However, tier 4 animals can eat Ducklings and Eggs, as well as Mangoes. The reliance on abilities isn't significant, but predation is more of a threat since all higher tiers up to tier 11 can eat tier 4 animals. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Pig-S2 Pig
The Pig is a Tier 4 animal that spawns in the land biome, with the passive ability of moving swiftly and being able to dive in mud. It has a 'Stink Cloud' ability, by pressing W on mud or in a hiding hole, a brown cloud that makes animals lose health and say "YUCK!" will appear. This works on all animals from tier 1 to tier 12, and also will affect anyone inside a hiding hole/whirlpool.
Woodpecker-S2 Woodpecker
The Woodpecker is the other Tier 4 animal that spawns in the land biome. It has a Fly/Peck ability that is activated by pressing W. It can Fly by using the ability on a hill, and can Peck animals in a tiny hitbox for a few seconds by pressing W on land, causing stunning and light damage.
Seal-S2 Seal
The Seal is the fourth animal that spawns in the Arctic biome. It can slide swiftly on ice by pressing W, increasing its speed and its grip on ice. Seals can also climb hills and rocks.
Sea-horse-S2 Sea-horse
The Sea-horse is the fourth animal that can be chosen in the Ocean biome. It has the Extra Boost ability that is activated by pressing W, alike the Trout and Cheetah, giving it a brief increase in movement speed.
Armadillo-S2 Armadillo
The Armadillo is the fourth animal that spawns in the Desert biome. By pressing W, the Armadillo would curl into a ball and roll forwards at a high speed, making it faster, more agile and gaining the ability to climb hills for the entire duration of its ability.
Kakapo-S2 Kakapo
The Kakapo is the fourth animal that can be chosen in the TimberLand biome. It is able to climb trees and hills. By holding W, the Kakapo will hop around, extending its wings and sprinting forward.

Tier 5

Tier 5 is near a significant progression in the food chain, with more food options available and a larger quantity of predators that pose threat to these animals. Additionally, tail-biting can now be relied on as a more effective strategy for speedy levelling-up, since prey value is still slightly limited at this point. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Deer-S2 Deer
The Deer is a Tier 5 animal that spawns in the Land biome. By holding W, it can dig for food when on dry land. The ability can produce any combination of food, mainly Mushrooms and berries. Richer pickings are often found in mud, with an added chance for food items such as Mushroom bushes and Lilypads from being dug up.
Squid-S2 Squid
The Squid is one of the Tier 5 animals that spawns in the Ocean biome. When it is injured by another entity, it squirts ink. It also has the passive ability of being immune to ink.
Flamingo-S2 Flamingo
The Flamingo is one of the Tier 5 animals that spawns in the Ocean biome. When in water bodies, by holding W, it can dig for food, producing Plankton and edible lower-tier A.I. animals that despawn if not consumed after 20 seconds. If holding W from a hill, the Flamingo will fly for a short time. It can climb hills and survive better on dry land as compared to most other Ocean animals, but cannot dive underwater.
Reindeer-S2 Reindeer
The Reindeer is the Tier 5 choice for the Arctic biome. Like its Land counterpart, the Reindeer also has the special ability of digging up food. However, it also has the passive ability of having a good grip on ice, meaning the Reindeer will move as per normal when on patches of ice.
Gazelle-S2 Gazelle
The Gazelle is a Tier 5 animal that spawns in the Desert biome. It can leap over hills and other animals by holding W, which also allows it to damage prey and potentially tail-bite predators.
Swinehoe-ui Swinehoe
The Swinehoe is the fifth animal that spawns in the Forest biome. It can speed up for 5 seconds on land and flies when its ability is used on hills. The Swinehoe can climb hills.

Tier 6

This tier is somewhat of a breakthrough tier, due to each animal now being able to eat essential food sources such as Kelp, red mushrooms and the slices spawned from splitting Melons and Watermelons. New farming options are opened at this tier, and the reliance on special abilities and prey is reduced. With the aforementioned foods, tier 6 gameplay usually takes only a few moments if the player eats these XP-rich foods. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Fox-S2 Fox
The Fox is one of the Tier 6 animals that spawns in the Land biome. By activating its ability, the Fox can kick animals out of Hiding Holes, causing them to be stunned and exit the hole, unable to enter for a few seconds. The effect works on all animals between the Mouse and Crocodile tiers. It can climb trees, but does so at a slow pace.
Hedgehog-S2 Hedgehog
The Hedgehog is one of the Tier 6 animals that spawns in the Land biome. By holding the W key, the Hedgehog can puff up and stun all animals in the vicinity of it with its poisonous quills, causing them to be kept a distance away from it.
Peacock-S2 Peacock
The Peacock is one of the Tier 6 animals that spawns in the Land biome. It has the ability to climb hills, albeit at a slow speed. When the W key is pressed when the Peacock is on low ground, the Peacockā€™s ability will activate; ā€œhypnotisingā€ (stunning) all nearby animals between Rabbit and Cheetah tiers for a few seconds. It can also fly for a short duration if the W key is pressed when the Peacock is on a hill or tree.
Jellyfish-S2 Jellyfish
The Jellyfish is a Tier 6 animal that spawns in the Ocean biome. Unlike others of its tier, the Jellyfish has no special ability. However, any prey, predators or A.I. animal that touches the Jellyfish's tentacles/tail will be stung, taking away some of its health and XP. Like other Ocean animals, it is fast in water and slow on land.
ArcticFox-S2 Arctic Fox
The Arctic Fox is a tier 6 animal that spawns in the Arctic biome. Like its Land counterpart, the Arctic Fox also has the special ability of kicking animals out of hiding holes, with the effect working on all animals from Chipmunk to Polar Bear tier. It can also climb trees, but does so at a slow pace.
FennecFox-S2 Fennec Fox
The Fennec Fox is the sixth animal that can spawns in the Desert biome. It has the ā€œWhineā€ ability, an ability that creates two slow-travelling spherical sound waves that stun any animal that they touch, also heavily damaging prey. It also has a passive ability that allows it to see all animals that hide inside hiding holes. Like the other fox species, the Fennec Fox can climbs trees at a slow speed.

Tier 7

Tier 7 is not much different from Tier 6, other than the fact that animals at this tier can now eat Bees and Oranges, which give a good amount of XP. At this tier, it is still relatively easy to level up. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Zebra-S2 Zebra
The Zebra is one of the Tier 7 animals that spawns in the Land Biome. By pressing the W key, the Zebra can do a sideways kick that covers the sides of the Zebra. Animals that are affected by the kick will be damaged, stunned and knocked away from it.
Donkey-S2 Donkey
The Donkey is one of the Tier 7 animals that spawns in the Land Biome. By pressing the W key, the Donkey can kick animals that are close enough to its tail, damaging, stunning and pushing them back strongly. The Donkey can move quite fast in mud, and is capable of diving in it. However, after diving, the Donkey will move much slower.
Macaw-S2 Macaw
The Macaw is one of the Tier 7 animals that spawns in the Land Biome. By holding the W key while the player is on a hill or a tree, the Macaw can disguise itself as a random animal low on health (including AIs) to deceive other players. When the W key is released or if the Macaw is damaged/stunned, the Macaw will drop its disguise and create an area-of-effect circular sound wave that stuns all animals that touch it. If W is held on low ground, the Macaw will fly.
Turtle-S2 Turtle
The Turtle is a Tier 7 animal that spawns in the Ocean biome. While holding the W key on dry land, the Turtle hides in its shell, dramatically reducing its damage taken. However, it cannot move very fast while hiding. The Turtle can climb hills and rocks to evade predators, and can live longer on dry land.
Muskox-S2 Muskox
The Muskox is a Tier 7 animal that spawns in the Arctic biome. By pressing the W key, the Muskox can charge, increasing its speed and damaging any animal it comes into contact with. The impacted entity will also experience quite a bit of knockback. However, the Muskox would be unable to turn while using its ability (except when the ability is about to end). They have the advantageous trait of having a good grip on ice.
Warthog-S2 Warthog
The Warthog is the seventh animal that spawns in the Desert biome. By pressing the W key, the Warthog will immediately enter an easily-manoeuvrable charge, generating a dust cloud that will slightly slow down any animal that enters it. Any prey that is hit by the Warthog while charging will be violently pushed forward, damaged and stunned. If the W key is instead held for a certain amount of time, Aloevera, and/or Oranges will be generated along with a dust cloud.

Tier 8

Tier 8 is essentially almost the same as Tier 7. However, Special Abilities are slightly more aimed at defense, and farming food is slightly more time-consuming. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Cobra-S2 Cobra
The Cobra is a Tier 8 animal that spawns in the Land biome. By pressing W, the Cobra will say ā€œHISSSSSS!ā€ and shoot bluish-green venom pellets that poison all animals without an immunity to poison that come into contact with them. The Cobra is also fast in mud and can climb trees.
Giraffe-S2 Giraffe
The Giraffe is a Tier 8 animal that spawns in the Land biome. By pressing W, the Giraffe will stomp any animal in front of its path, stunning them for a few seconds and causing damage. There will be about 3 stomps with one foot, and a double stomp with both feet at the end of the ability.
Stingray-S2 Stingray
The Stingray is a Tier 8 animal that spawns in the Ocean biome. By pressing W, the Stingray will let out an electric shock, stunning all animals nearby, also lightly damaging prey and AI animals. The electric shock shows up as a slightly neon-silver color, with a small lightning bolt on one side.
Walrus-S2 Walrus
The Walrus is a Tier 8 animal that spawns in the Arctic biome. By holding the W key on ice, the Walrusā€™s ā€œSlide on Iceā€ ability would activate, allowing it to move faster and turn slightly better. Walruses are also able to climb hills and rocks.
SnowyOwl-S2 Snowy Owl
The Snowy Owl is a Tier 8 animal that spawns in the Arctic biome, with the ability to climb hills and trees. By pressing W, the Snowy Owl will start flying, and a crosshair will appear. By setting that crosshair upon prey, the Snowy Owl will start an aerial attack on them, stunning and damaging them.
Camel-S2 Camel
The Camel is a Tier 8 animal that spawns in the Desert biome. By pressing W, the Camel would spit in the direction of the playerā€™s mouse-pointer, stunning all animals that come into contact with the spittle, also causing them to get slimy and lose their grip, much like the Frog's ability. The Camel can move fast in quicksand too.
Raven-S2 Raven
The Raven is a Tier 8 animal that spawns in the Forest biome. By holding the W key, the Raven will caw, making slowly-expanding sound circles around it that stuns all animals that come into contact with them, also damaging prey.

Tier 9

Farming is now slightly more time-consuming, but still not a hassle nonetheless. The Special Abilities at this tier are good for usage to gain XP, or hunt prey. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Cheetah-S2 Cheetah
The Cheetah is a Tier 9 animal that spawns in the Land biome. When its ability is activated, the Cheetah will receive a quick boost, which has a recharge time of approximately 8 seconds. It can also climb trees.
Gorilla-S2 Gorilla
The Gorilla is another Tier 9 animal that spawns in the Land biome. It can climb hills and trees, and when on one, can throw a stunning and lightly damaging Banana/Coconut by pressing W. The ability will only work when the Gorilla is on a hill/tree.
Toucan-S2 Toucan
The Toucan is also one of the Tier 9 animals that spawns in the Land biome. Like the Gorilla, it can climb trees and hills. When holding W, it will fly and land when the player lets go of that key. If the Toucan last flew from a spot containing a source of food, it will throw that food upon landing, much alike the Gorilla.
SnowLeopard-S2 Snow Leopard
The Snow Leopard is a Tier 9 animal that spawns in the Arctic biome. Like the Cheetah, it can climb trees and enjoy a nice speed boost when W is pressed.
Pufferfish-S2 Pufferfish
The Pufferfish is a Tier 9 animal that spawns in the Ocean biome. As with most other ocean creatures, it moves fast in water but is painfully slow on land, quickly losing water there. By holding W, it will inflate to a massive size; also stunning and damaging all animals that come into contact with it. When W is released, it will exhale many water droplets.
Rattlesnake-S2 Rattlesnake
The Rattlesnake is a Tier 9 animal that spawns in the Desert biome. It moves fast on quicksand, has a poisonous bite and is immune to poison. By activating its special ability, the Rattlesnakeā€™s speed would harshly drop and it would produce circular sound waves that stun all animals that come into contact with them; also damaging and pulling prey in a manner similar to the Krakenā€™s ability. The longer the W key is held for, the more sound-waves will be produced.
Turkey-S2 Turkey
The Turkey is a Tier 9 animal that spawns in the Forest biome. It is able to climb trees and hills. When holding W on low ground, the Turkey will start up a charge and kick prey when releasing W (much like the Cassowary). On a hill, if W is pressed, the Turkey will shoot out an edible egg that stuns and hurts animals, and will also say "GOBBLE!" in chat. By pressing W on a tree, the Turkey will fly at a moderate speed and height for a few seconds.

Tier 10

At tier 10, farming for food is now more of a hassle. However, if the right farming methods are used (such as consuming Honey Bees and Frogs), progressing from this tier usually won't take too long. At this stage, Special Abilities become more advanced, and new Passive Abilities emerge. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Bear-S2 Bear
The Bear is a Tier 10 animal that spawns in the Land Biome. By pressing W, the Bear activates its Claw Slash ability, swiping a sharp paw in front of it that damages and stuns all animals hit. The Bear is immune to the Honey Bee stinger's effects, and can climb hills and trees.
Tiger-S2 Tiger
The Tiger is a Tier 10 animal that spawns in the Land Biome. By pressing W, the Tiger activates its Ambush Attack ability, causing it to sprint and grab the nearest animal in its sprinting path, stunning, dragging and damaging it for a few seconds. If the W key is held, the Tiger will generate a temporary bush that spawns food periodically. Tigers can move fairly fast in water, and can climb hills and trees.
Swordfish-S2 Swordfish
The Swordfish is a Tier 10 animal that spawns in the Ocean Biome. By pressing W, the Swordfish activates its Charge ability (an ability that is much alike to the Rhino and the Warthogā€™s), and sprint for a moderate distance. If the Swordfish hits an animal while it is sprinting, its ability would terminate and the animal would be knocked back, stunned and damaged.
Pelican-S2 Pelican
The Pelican is a Tier 10 animal that spawns in the Ocean Biome. It can climb hills and survive relatively well on dry land. By pressing W, the Pelican starts flying at a low height for about five seconds, scooping water into its mouth, picking up prey and stunning predators or equivalents. After that, the Pelican will start flying at a moderately-high altitude at a moderately-slow speed for about fifteen seconds. Right before landing, the Pelican would drop the water (and prey, if any) that it had been holding during its flight. If the water bomb drops on an animal, it will be stunned for a few seconds.
Wolf-S2 Wolf
The Wolf is a Tier 10 animal that spawns in the Arctic Biome. By pressing W, it howls, releasing a circular sound wave in the direction of the mouse-pointer, also calling, 'AWOOO!'. All animals that come into contact with the circular sound wave would be stunned and say 'Aaah!' in chat. Wolves also have a good grip on ice, and move normally on it without slipping.
GobiBear-S2 Gobi Bear
The Gobi Bear is a Tier 10 animal that spawns in the Desert Biome. By pressing W, the Gobi Bear activates its ā€˜Bear Attackā€™ ability, lunging slightly forward and swiping a sharp paw in front of it that damages and stuns all animals hit, also causing them to say ā€˜Aaah!ā€™ in chat. The Gobi Bear can climb hills and rocks, but unlike its Bear counterparts, is not immune to Honey Bee stings.
Hyena-S2 Hyena
The Hyena is a Tier 10 animal that spawns in the Desert Biome. By pressing W, the Hyena laughs and slowly recoil backwards, going "Hehehe" and releasing soundwaves in the shape of arcs. All animals hit by the sound waves would be stunned and receive a message: "Hehehe, you've been hit by a Hyena laugh!". The Hyena can also eat carcasses.

Tier 11

At this tier, farming becomes increasingly difficult. Fortunately, bees are still a reliable food source, and aloevera becomes an available option for fast XP. Most abilities of tier 11 animals are defensive or offensive based now, with more focus on defense as predators are more than likely to target you for XP. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Crocodile-S2 Crocodile
The Crocodile is the eleventh animal spawning option for the Land Biome. By pressing W, the Crocodile uses its 'Bite Drag' ability, similar to the T-Rex ability, and stuns and drags any animal in front of it, dragging it from side to side. It can move quickly in lakes and mud, and can eat carcasses.
Lion-S2 Lion
The Lion is the eleventh animal spawning option for the Land Biome. By pressing W, it roars, saying 'ROARRR!' and stunning any animal within its radius. Lions can also climb trees.
Falcon Season 2 Falcon
The Falcon is the eleventh animal spawning option for the Land Biome. When W is held, it starts a Dive Attack ability, starting flying up, with a crosshair following below the Falcon. When a location is right-clicked or when W is pressed again, the crosshair will lock onto that place and it will dive and swoop at a tremendous speed, stunning if there is an animal where the crosshair was. It also has the ability to climb hills.
Octopus-S2 Octopus
The Octopus is the eleventh animal spawning option for the Ocean Biome. By pressing W, it disguises as a Healing Stone, hiding hole, snail, or an ocean food. When touched by another animal, it produces ink, stunning them if they aren't immune to it.
PolarBear-S2 Polar Bear
The Polar Bear is the eleventh animal spawning option for the Arctic Biome. By pressing W, it uses its Claw Slash ability, alike the Gobi Bear and the Bear, stunning any animal nearby. It can also climb hills.
Vulture-S2 Vulture
The Vulture is the eleventh animal spawning option for the Desert Biome. By pressing W, it grabs any carcass if any, or if not, it flies in the air for a few seconds, landing shortly after or with another press. When W is pressed while holding a carcass, the Vulture will drop it and breaks it into edible bones. It can climb hills and rocks.

Tier 12

Farming becomes a notable grind at tier 12. Tier 12 is the riskiest tier in the game because of little terrain mobility, primarily offensive abilities, and good XP to higher tiers. In addition, it's at this point where being killed becomes a real setback. A redeeming quality is that all main food sources become accessible at this tier. Snails, Conches, and Mushroom Bushes grant great XP. In the Desert, plentiful Aloevera and Cacti are tremendous in XP, being high risk-high reward. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Rhino-S2 Rhino
The Rhino is one of the 12th animals that spawns in the Land biome. It can move fast in water bodies, and is able to move fast/dive in mud too. When the Rhino activates its special ability, it will charge with its horn and damage prey, also causing quite a bit of knockback.
Eagle-S2 Eagle
The Eagle is one of the 12th animals that spawns in the Land biome. It can climb hills and trees. By activating its special ability, it will start flying a short distance above ground. If the Eagle comes into contact with prey, the prey will be carried away into the sky and the Eagle will fly higher. When dropped, prey will receive a slight sliver of damage, be stunned and immobilized for a few seconds.
Shark-S2 Shark
The Shark is the 12th Ocean animal. By pressing W, it can inflict a bite attack on prey: the prey will be shaken around, and multiple small meat pieces will drop off. After the Shark lets go, the victim will bleed and lose a little extra health.
Wolverine-S2 Wolverine
The Wolverine is one of the 12th Arctic animals. It can climb trees, has good grip on ice and moves fast in water and on Mud. Like the Lion, it can roar by pressing W, stunning animals for 3 to 5 seconds and slightly damaging prey at the cost of slowing it down drastically for the duration.
Markhor-S2 Markhor
The Markhor is one of the 12th Arctic animals. The Markhor has a rare species called the Big Goat, but both variants are actually rare and won't always appear on the upgrade menu. Both Markhors can climb hills and rocks. When the Markhor presses W on low ground, it will rear backwards and then forwards, tossing prey far away and causing them to bleed upon landing back on the ground. When pressing W on a hill, a different effect occurs. A crosshair will appear, and when clicking with your cursor, the Markhor jumps to wherever that cursor was.
Bison-S2 Bison
The Bison is the 12th animal in the Desert biome. By activating its special ability, it can gore animals. The Bison's horns will stick forward and it will form an angry expression, and be able to repeatedly toss prey into the air. When prey lands each time, they are slightly damaged. The more the prey is tossed, the more damage they receive. This effect also works on predators from tiers 13-15. However, they won't take damage, and tier 14-15 animals will only be able to be tossed once.

Tier 13

Tier 13 is a little safer than tier 12 due to accessibility to terrain and defensive abilities. It takes longer to level up and being killed sets the player back more. It shouldn't be too much of a hassle, though, because Frogs are still great sources of XP. Like the previous tier, the player can rely on bees or cacti and aloevera. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Hippo-S2 Hippo
The Hippo is one of the 13th animals that spawns in the Land biome. By pressing W, it groans saying 'GROANNNNN!' and stuns any animal within its radius for about 3 seconds. It moves quickly in mud and water, and immune to the river's effect.
BoaConstrictor-S2 Boa Constrictor
The Boa Constrictor is one of the 13th animals that spawns in the Land biome. By pressing W, it suffocates the animal in front of it and drag them side to side like a Crocodile. It moves slowly in water, can climb hills and trees and is able to dive/move fast in mud.
Ostrich-S2 Ostrich
The Ostrich is one of the 13th animals that spawns in the Land biome. By pressing W, it lays an egg that later hatches into a baby ostrich. It will also bring up a Crosshair, and aimed at a location, the ostrich babies will immediately follow the Crosshair. If the crosshair is aimed at an animal, it will lock onto the animal, allowing the Ostrich babies to continuously follow the animal. The Ostrich itself is fast in mud, and runs at swifter pace and any other animal in the game at the expense of ridiculous water loss.
KillerWhale-S2 Killer Whale
The Killer Whale is the 13th animals for the Ocean biome. By pressing W, it uses its 'Cause Wave' ability, which sends 2 shockwaves that stuns any animal that comes in contact with it, also forcing them backwards. It will also slightly damage prey, but not too much.
SabertoothTiger-S2 Sabertooth Tiger
The Sabertooth Tiger is the 13th animal that spawns in the Arctic biome. By pressing W, it uses its Double Slash ability, stunning any animal nearby. It can also climb hills, move fast in mud and water, and go into the Land biome without receiving burn damage.
KomodoDragon-S2 Komodo Dragon
The Komodo Dragon is the 13th animal that spawns in the Desert biome. By pressing W, it uses its Sweat ability, dragging and stunning the animal in front of it, and making it sweat for 30 seconds. It can eat carcasses, move fast through Quicksand and Mud, and climb trees.
MaleWhiteGiraffe White Giraffe
The White Giraffe is a possible 13th animal that spawns in the Timberland biome. It is a Rare that may appear on the Upgrade Menu at a 20/700 chance. It has a foot stomping ability like the Giraffe activated by pressing W, albeit 15% more damaging. It can also spawn with a family composed of a Girabie and Momaffie: They will follow the White Giraffe, increasing the player's damage and lowering the ability's cooldown each when killed but at the cost of not being able to heal naturally.

Tier 14

The final pre-apex tier, Tier 14, has animals with generally poweful abilities. Use the same farming methods as before; if you want to play it safe, choose Blue Whale or Mammoth; if you want to level up fast, choose Blackwidow Spider, and if you want a balance of these, choose Elephant or another tier 14 Land animal. Apexes and Monster-tiers will treat you as an easy source of XP, so watch out for them! For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Elephant-S2 Elephant
The Elephant is one of the Tier 14 Land animals. It can move fast in mud, and roam in the Desert without burning. Its special ability is 'Trunk Slap'; animals will be damaged, pushed back and stunned as a result of being slapped. Its ability can also damage food sources, making it the only animal which can do so past the Golden Age update.
GiantSpider-S2 Giant Spider
The Giant Spider is one of the tier 14 animals that spawns in the Land biome. It is able to climb hills and trees, also having an extraordinarily poisonous bite. When the W is held, the Giant Spider will spin a web that grows in size the longer the key is held. Once W is pressed again, the Giant Spider drops the web. Webs can go over any surface, and the smaller they are, the more transparent. When prey comes into contact with a web, they will be temporarily immobilised until the web wears off. Higher-tier predators and inedible Low Tier Animals will not be able to climb on webs however, and will instead be pushed back and poisoned, rendering them unable to use their Special Abilities for a certain length of time. Giant Spiders with more XP naturally generate larger webs.
Cassowary-S2 Cassowary
The Cassowary is one of the tier 14 animals that spawns in the Land biome. By holding W, it will start up an uninterruptible charge and release a powerful kick that stuns, knock backs and damages animals when letting go of W. The Cassowary would also be much faster and more easily manoeuvrable for the entire duration of the charge.
Mammoth-S2 Mammoth
The Mammoth is one of the tier 14 animals that spawns in the Arctic biome. By pressing W, it will roll a snowball and shoot it, freezing and damaging any animal that gets hit by it. It also has a good grip on ice, being able to more normally on it.
BlueWhale-S2 Blue Whale
The Blue Whale is one of the tier 14 animals that spawns in the Ocean biome. By pressing W, it will activate its Tail Slap, an ability similar to the Elephant's, except coming out from behind rather than in front. 0.5 seconds after the slap, a shockwave that stuns all animals in a large radius will also appear. The Blue Whaleā€™s ability can kill bees, frogs and snails with one single slap. When it dives, it produces food, much like the Killer Whale.
BlackwidowSpider-S2 Blackwidow Spider
The Blackwidow Spider is one of the tier 14 animals that spawns in the Desert biome. By pressing W, a white dot will appear on its back, and a few seconds later, a sticky web will be shot from the same spot. By pressing W again, the web will be stuck firmly in place and will capture and ā€œsweatā€ any animal between the tiers of 5 and 15 that touches it. If the captured animal is prey, by pressing W again, the spider can fish it towards them, making it much easier to eat them. It can also turn invisible on rocks if it uses its ability there, and can climb both rocks and hills. The Blackwidow Spider can also hide in all types of hiding holes and whirlpools. It is also able to climb Giant Spider webs without being poisoned.

Tier 15

Tier 15, more commonly referred to as the 'apex tier', will be the longest tier you'll be at yet. It is the hardest tier to evolve from, and now that even Aloevera doesn't heal you anymore, you're going to have to farm a lot to upgrade on from this tedious tier. All of the following animals are immune to ink. Predators will want to attack you more, seeing as you give more XP. A perk of apex is unlocking the 1v1 ability accessible to other tier 15 or above animals; by far the most effective leveling up method, if you know what you're doing. Beware, unlike previous tiers, other tier 15 animals can tail-bite you as well as lower and higher tiers. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Dragon-S2 Dragon
The Dragon is a Tier 15 animal that spawns in the Land biome. By pressing W, it shoots a single fireball that burns and damages all animals that come into contact with it, also having a fairly quick cooldown of 3 seconds. It has a passive ability allowing it to fly over everything, meaning that the Dragon's movement speed will be consistent over all surfaces/terrains. It is immune to the river's current, Mud, Quicksand and Lava as a result.
Trex-S2 T-REX
The T-Rex is a Tier 15 animal that spawns in the Land biome. By pressing W, the T-Rex activates its 'Jaw-Bite' ability, which bites and drags around any animal in front of it, causing the victim to bleed and drop medium chunks of meat. It is fast in Mud, and can eat carcasses and bones.
Kraken-S2 The Kraken
The Kraken is a Tier 15 animal that spawns in the Ocean biome. By pressing W, it creates a short-lived whirlpool that pulls all lower tier animals, also stunning predators and equivalents. It can't be stung by a Jellyfish, and has the longest dive time in the game, tied with the King Crab.
KingCrab-S2 King Crab
The King Crab is a Tier 15 animal that spawns in the Ocean biome. By pressing W, it will smash either one or two of its arms, stunning all animals in front of it, also dealing a moderate amount of damage. In water, the arm smash creates an additional wave that stuns and pushes back all animals hit. The King Crab can climb hills and rocks at a slow speed, and unlike most other ocean animals, can survive on dry land for long periods of time without water. It is tied with the Kraken for having the longest dive time in the game.
Yeti-S2 The Yeti
The Yeti is a Tier 15 animal that spawns in the Arctic biome. By pressing W, it activates its ā€œSnow Roarā€ ability, freezing, stunning and damaging all animals in a moderate radius around it. Holding down W disguises the Yeti as a snowball. It can climb Hills, has a good grip on Ice, and is fast in water.
NewSnowman The Snowman
The Snowman is a rare Tier 15 animal that spawns in the Arctic biome. By pressing W, it activates its ā€œSnow Roarā€ ability, similar to the Yetiā€™s except dealing slightly more damage and producing more snowballs. It can climb hills, is fast in water, has a good grip on Ice, and turns invisible when standing still. It can be purchased at the Shop for 3,000 Mope Coins, or can be obtained by luck for the slim chance of 1/2000. After it has been purchased, the chance of it appearing in the upgrade menu is reduced to 1/10.
The Snowgirl Snowgirl
The Snowgirl is a rare Tier 15 animal that spawns in the Arctic biome. By pressing W, it activates its ā€œSnow Roarā€ ability, similar to the Snowmanā€™s except also causing all animals hit by its spawned snowballs to turn into ā€œIce Statuesā€, causing them to be frozen in place for 5 seconds, also taking freezing damage. It can climb hills, is fast in water and can turn invisible by standing still. It can be purchased in the shop for 20,000 mopecoins but can be obtained by luck for a slim chance of 1/1000. Once it has been purchased, the chance is reduced to 1/10.
Pterodactyl-S2 Pterodactyl
The Pterodactyl is a Tier 15 animal that spawns in the Desert biome. By pressing W, it will start flying high in the air, and by pressing it again it will dive down from the sky and pick up any prey or equivalent that it comes in contact with. After pressing W again, the animal will be dropped onto the ground, taking stun and damage. The Pterodactyl runs on energy rather than water, which can be gained by eating any food source. Additionally, it is able to climb hills and rocks, also being fast in Quicksand (not in the Oasis though!).
Phoenix-S2 Phoenix
The Phoenix is a Tier 15 animal that spawns in the Volcano biome. Holding W causes the Phoenix to passively move forwards, also causing a crosshair that follows the playerā€™s mouse-pointer to appear on the screen. When released or clicked on an animal, a homing fire tornado is fired toward the clicked location or animal, periodically spitting out fireballs that causes all animals that come into contact with them to burn. It also has a fiery bite that deals slightly more damage than the bite of a regular apex, also burning all animals bitten by it. The Phoenix exclusively drinks lava; lava is only replenished by staying in lava patches or by staying near the Volcano (at a slower rate than the latter method though). By pressing S, the Phoenix will spit fire at the cost of draining its lava bar. Like the Dragon, it too has the passive ability of flying over everything, thus being unaffected by differing terrain forms.
Bigfoot-S2 The Bigfoot
The Bigfoot is a rare Tier 15 animal that spawns in the Timberland biome. By pressing, W, it throws a spear that flies a long distance, causing any animal hit to bleed for about 6 seconds, also preventing them from going into hiding holes during that time. Holding W instead creates an obstructive campfire that burns all animals that come into contact with it. The Bigfoot can be bought in the shop for 25,000 Mope Coins, or can be obtained by luck with a slim chance of 1/1000. After being bought, it will have a 1/10 chance instead of 1/1000.

Tier 16

Tier 16, also referred to as the Monster tier, is comparable to Apex tier (15) in that 1v1s are possible, and other players in this tier can bite each others tails. Monsters of different kinds body block each other. Reaching the next tier is considerably easier now that tier 15 animals for high XP gain from Apexes, and the special abilities of these animals are generally superior in trapping and killing prey. Unlike lower tiers, their abilities are not stopped by damage and effects, but can't be used if stunned. All of the following animals can at least climb hills (except for the Sea Monster), walk through Fly Traps, walk through tiny trees if large enough, are immune to River current, are fast in Mud, can eat Carcasses, and eat Mushroom Bushes in one bite. For more information and some useful strategies, click on the links above each brief description.

Dino Monster-S2 Dino Monster
The Dino Monster is one of the animals that can be chosen for tier 16 in the Land biome. By pressing W it charges forwards at a fast pace. After damaging them on ground, they are thrown high into the air backwards and receive extra damage when landing back on ground. It is immune to Desert burning.
BirdMonster Bird Monster
The Bird Monster is one of the animals that can be chosen for tier 16 in the Land biome. The Bird Monster has two abilities. By pressing W, it flies and gains a crosshair. When W is pressed again, it will fly down to the crosshair like a Falcon and create a damaging impact. Its second ability is activated by pressing S and causes the Bird Monster to stop, create non-damaging wind currents, shoot electric bolts, and then summon a tornado that homes on animals and fires damaging electric bolts. It runs on energy instead of water, is immune to lava, and immune to Desert burning.
Land Monster-S2 Land Monster
The Land Monster is a tier 16 animal, but also the 3rd animal to spawn in the Volcano. When its Special Ability is activated, the Land Monster will create a huge sinkhole that sucks up any animal inside that is in a close enough radius. In the chat, the Land Monster will say "ROAR!!!" whilst doing so. It can also fly over everything like the Dragon - its movement speed is consistent everywhere except over water. The Land Monster is a lava-drinking animal, so it cannot replenish its lava bar without being in lava or within a certain radius of the Volcano. Like all lava animals, the Land Monster can spit fire by pressing S.
SeaMonster-S2 Sea Monster
The Sea Monster is the 16th animal in the Ocean. Unlike any other animal, the Sea Monster has an 'Air' bar instead; it will decrease whenever the Sea Monster is diving. However, when on the ocean surface, the Sea Monster suffers periodical burns about every 5 to 6 minutes. When pressing W, the Sea Monster creates a huge whirlpool that sucks in any animal, like the Kraken, and also food. Animals stuck inside it will appear to be diving, but won't actually be.
IceMonster-S2 Ice Monster
The Ice Monster is the 16th animal that can be chosen in the Arctic biome. By pressing W, it fires an ice crystal that freezes and damages animals with a very fast cooldown. Ice crystals cannot go over hills/rocks, and must 'grow' on the Ice Monster's back before they can be shot. The growing takes a relatively short time, and provided the crystals aren't used excessively, there will be no need to wait. Ice Monsters, when biting prey, will also inflict a freeze bite on all non-Arctic animals, causing them to slow down. It can go into the Land biome without receiving burn damage, although will burn when near the Volcano.
GiantScorpion-S2 Giant Scorpion
The Giant Scorpion is the 16th animal that can be chosen in the Desert biome. When activating its special ability, the Giant Scorpion will extend its pincers and sting. On an animal, the sting causes shivering, which will stop the victim from boosting or using special abilities. Shivering can be reduced by going into a hiding hole or whirlpool. The Giant Scorpion is able to climb rocks, is fast in Quicksand, and is immune to lava.

Tier 17

Tier 17 is the final tier in the game. No animals are able to exert predation on you except through tail-biting, special abilities and the 1v1 arena. Equally to the previous two tiers, tier 17 animals are able to bite each other's tails and 1v1 each other. Tier 17 animals are all lava-based, so be sure not to stray too far into the Arctic and Ocean biomes, as the only method of regaining lava in there is Healing Stones. For more information and some useful strategies, you can click on the links above each brief description.

Black Dragon-S2 Black Dragon
The Black Dragon is 17th Lava/Land animal, and one of the final animals to pick. It has the passive ability to fly over everything, meaning movement speed is consistent, no matter what terrain the Black Dragon is on. By pressing W, the Black Dragon can also shoot two large fire balls, which turns into three once the player reaches 20 million XP. However, when two Black Dragons/King Dragons are near each other, they will lose some health and lava periodically, and won't be able to use Healing Stones.
King Dragon-S2 King Dragon
The King Dragon is the other 17th Lava/Land animal and another one of the final animals to be achieved at this tier. It King Dragon can be obtained by pure luck; there is a 1/1000 chance that it will appear instead of the Black Dragon, making it technically a rare. However, the King Dragon can be achieved by killing all apex animals, all monsters, and another Black Dragon (not including The BigFoot, Snowgirl or The Snowman). Despite the latter method seeming like 'upgrading', the King Dragon is still considered a tier 17 animal as it cannot exert predation on the Black Dragon and is equivalent to it but can kill it through other means. Like the Dragon and Black Dragon, it has the passive ability of flying over everything. Furthermore, it has the special ability to shoot fire by pressing W, but it is much more powerful and is referred to as a 'fire stream' due to there being a large quantity of fireballs. By pressing S, the King Dragon can also do a tail-slap ability like the Blue Whale, which will inflict severe damage if not an instant kill, and a lot of recoil. However, when two Black Dragons/King Dragons are near each other, they will lose some health and lava periodically, and won't be able to use Healing Stones. There can only be one King Dragon on a server. If another one spawns, the two are forced into a 1v1.


Goliath Spider
This section or article is incomplete, and could use some expansion. You can help the Wiki and these Goliath Spiders by editing it.
Goliath Spider
Coming Soon


  • Tier 17 is the only tier to have anti-teaming features, in order to make it harder for two animals of the same tier to coexist and/or team.
    • This concept was also added to Apex and Monster tiers (15 and 16) on September 3, 2020. However, it was removed the very next day for those tiers due to the feature causing more imbalances than intended.


Tiers in
Mouse-S2 Tier 1 ā€¢ Rabbit-S2 Tier 2 ā€¢ Mole-S2 Tier 3 ā€¢ Pig-S2 Tier 4 ā€¢ Deer-S2 Tier 5 ā€¢ Fox-S2 Tier 6 ā€¢ Zebra-S2 Tier 7 ā€¢ Cobra-S2 Tier 8 ā€¢ Cheetah-S2 Tier 9 ā€¢ Bear-S2 Tier 10 ā€¢ Crocodile-S2 Tier 11 ā€¢ Rhino-S2 Tier 12 ā€¢ Hippo-S2 Tier 13 ā€¢ Elephant-S2 Tier 14 ā€¢ Dragon-S2 Tier 15 ā€¢ Dino Monster-S2 Tier 16 ā€¢ Black Dragon-S2 Tier 17