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UPGRADED to T-REX The Dinosaur!
This ancient dinosaur has powerful jaws that can drag prey around!!

The T-REX, also known as Tyrannosaurus (Rex), formerly known as Dino, is a tier 15 Land animal, and the equivalent of the Dragon, Kraken, King Crab, Yeti, Snowman, The Snowgirl, Pterodactyl, The Bigfoot, and Phoenix.




The Tyrannosaurus Rex (also known as the Dino or T-Rex) is a darkish crimson red, with a row of three beige spines on its back. It has a formidable size and strength, with small, jagged teeth protrude from its massive jaws.

Compared to its relatively large stature, the T-Rex has small arms with 2-clawed fingers, which don't even extend past its snout. On its neck there are two scars, each one resembling something like a claw scratch.

Golden T-REX

The Golden T-REX's body is colored completely golden. Its teeth and claws are dark gray, and the claw scratches on its back are in different positions.

Ember T-REX

The Ember T-REX is a light gray and spiky T-REX, resembling volcanic ash/rock.

Kaiju T-REX

The Kaiju T-REX is dark gray with two pairs of darker spines on each side of its body. Several purple spikes run down its spine, and one pair of spines is tipped in purple. A purple line decorates its tail. The Kaiju Rex's arms are longer and more pulled back, with its own purple mark. Its claws are relatively long. 2 lines above its eyes serve as eyebrows, and it has large white fangs.

Mr. Dollar

Mr. Dollar is purple with happy eyes, a monocle, a top hat, and a black jacket which has two dollar bills sticking out of it. It has a white mustache and shiny gold spikes. it is one of the 2020 Halloween skins for the T-Rex.

Tartarus Rex

The Tartarus Rex is a dark pink. It has a cavity at its center with a bubblegum-like substance sticking to the lighter pink head from the body. The head has nostrils and large light orange eyes. It has two light pink rows of some chunky material diverging from the tail and splitting into smaller versions of the main head, notably lacking their bottom jaw. The extra heads have large fangs and more of the pink stickiness connected to their main head. On the sides of its body are dark pink ridges. it is one of the 2021 Halloween skins for the T-Rex.

Old/Legacy T-REX

The old T-REX is also red, but the spikes down its back are much more narrow. Its claws are longer, and its jaw is significantly thicker.



  • Fight other apex animals, such as Dragons, using your newly buffed ability to drag them around. When fighting Dragons, try to stay in water while fighting it so the fire doesn't do much damage at all and dive when needed. When you get the opportunity, grab the Dragon, and try to swing it in a way to get a tail-bite in, too.
  • Try to dive when waiting for your ability to recharge to further lower the amount of damage you take. The dragon will eventually have a much lower percentage of health than you, if you have successfully stalled them by diving in the water. By this point, if not already, they will flee.
  • Before they can, use your ability to drag them back for the finishing shot. You can also attempt this stalling strategy on monsters, mainly the Ice and Dino Monsters, but be sure to be near a cave or whirlpool and try to not get too risky.
  • When going against a Kraken, try dragging them onto land right after they use their ability. If they use their Whirlpool, you should turn around before you get tail-bitten.
  • If they run away, let them be. Don't go too deep into the Ocean where you are slow.
  • Also try to drag King Crabs out onto land. Even though they can survive for a little while on land, they are slower than most animals, and if you successfully block their path back to the ocean, it should be easy to eat them.
  • Confiscate any healing stones or water it finds by dragging it away. This "fishing" strategy also works against other high-tier ocean animals such as Blue Whales.
  • Exception: King Crabs won't be easy to "fish" and you may get killed in the process as it's common sense as it can easily dive away from your grabs and keep hitting you with their ability.
  • Another way to level up is by killing Yetis. They can give you a TON of XP. Plus, they get slowed down outside the Arctic, and run out of water extremely fast, and have a very short diving time.
  • However, do not look for trouble in their biome as they will have the same advantages you have outside the Arctic when fighting. When fighting, watch out for their snowballs which will deal damage as well as freezing you.
  • Also, try going for Pterodactyls. They don't have a way to defend themselves from your ability. When it tries to fly always use your ability to stop it and immediately terminate it to stun it and doing massive damage. When it down, try tail biting it. Repeat this until it is dead.
  • If you see a Black Dragon, unless you are teaming or it is getting targeted by a lot of small animals, or that it is on low health, run and hope that they don't target you. Try to dodge their fireballs.
  • If you see a water puddle try diving there and waiting them out. If you go in a cave, the Black Dragon could block your way out and suffocate you. Also, Black Dragons can camp you out if your in a hiding hole, also blocking you. You can go under a tree, where they cannot get you, but there is a high chance that you may be too big, or that the fire will pass through the tree.
  • Going to the ocean could be a good idea, because your diving time is quite high and the ocean has whirlpools. You can dive, look for a whirlpool, and go out of the whirlpool while diving to regenerate your water bar. 
  • If you are teaming/it is on low health, wait until it is low on health (very low), and then jaw bite by its rear ends so it can't bite you and that you can sneak a tailbite in. If you are teaming, unless you are mean wait until the Black Dragon gives you permission. If you failed, you may as well look for a cave. As of new updates, you can stall and kill Black Dragons if you're careful and they don't run.
  • If you see another T-Rex, then make sure to make the first move, so it is sealed that you will kill it, just make sure that there aren't any hiding holes/whirlpools around, because if there is a whirlpool, they can get in it, and when they start to run out of water, they can come out while diving, enabling them to get water without being injured. It may be good to be battling in a river if you get the first bite, because there are not whirlpools on the river.
  • Also, they might dive first. If that happens, wait about 1 second, then dive and make sure they don't bite you in that time. That strategy is good because that means they will run out of air before you, and you can bite them. However, the result of a battle between another T-Rex may not always be clear from who takes the first move. Make sure when dragging the other T-Rex around, to try swing it so that you also get a tail-bite in. Be aware that other factors, such as prey trying to get their own XP from you, could change the results of the fight. In any case, if you want to guarantee chances of not dying, ask the other Rex to team or to be on peaceful terms (however there is no guarantee).
  • When fighting a monster, go in a lake, Ocean, or water spot (Ocean is best). Dive and use your ability on the monster, you will hopefully kill it. If it is a sea monster, be very very careful, since there is almost no escape if you get caught in their whirlpool.
  • Another way you can level up fairly quickly is with the Desert strategy. Using this strategy, try to occupy the space between the Land and Desert. Try to pick a spot with multiple water spots and large Hiding Holes.
  • Once you have picked your spot, eat high-XP foods such as Aloevera and Melons. Make sure to frequently refill on water, stay away from Giant Scorpions, Land Monsters, and other predators.
  • However, the heart of this strategy employs cactus, which does huge damage to animals that can eat it. Try to grab Komodo Dragons or Blackwidow Spiders, or even other T-Rexes and bash them against the cactus. Doing it right, prey will be left dead or with almost no health. If you really want a challenge, target other Apex tiers. However, keep in mind that if you mess up, other T-Rexes will be able to use your strategy – possibly killing you.



Before the KingOfMope Update, many players criticized the T-Rex for being simply too strong, as it could kill any animal with ease, even Black Dragons. As a response, it was nerfed immensely, causing its high usage rate to drop significantly. However, even after the massive nerf, a user named Dino Gamer still managed to prove that the T-Rex was a powerful and strong animal, with favorable stats.

However, after the KingOfMope update, the T-Rex was unexpectedly buffed, such that it could kill a fellow apex with two jaw bites and a monster-tier with four jaw bites. It was also found to be immune to fireballs (this was actually a bug and was fixed shortly after).

From the #GoldenAge update through to May 2020, the T-Rex was again subject to a lot of criticism for being simply too overpowered. Compared to all the other apexes, which were a lot weaker in comparison, the T-Rex could deal high damage to other apexes, and even its predators. Its long dive time, coupled with its highly damaging and stunning ability, its ability to grab animals that have been diving for 3 seconds or less, and the fact that other apexes have much weaker stats made the T-Rex a dominant animal in

In June 2020, KOA announced on the YouTube community that the developers would soon be issuing nerfs to both the T-Rex and Dino Monster (another dinosaur-based animal which was also considered to be overpowered at that time, and therefore criticised massively). As promised, the T-Rex saw nerfs in Beta on June 25, causing its Jaw Bite ability to deal less damage and stun to other animals, therefore balancing the T-Rex without leaving it defenceless. The nerfs were subsequently transitioned to live Mope on August 11, a move which was greatly anticipated by much of the community.


  • The T-REX is the first animal expected due to the fact that the test post was published before making any evidence for Octopus.
  • The Dragon was first called Dino for some reason, but has no other correlation to the T-REX.
  • It and the Dino Monster are also the only dinosaurs (the Pterodactyl is technically a pterosaur). It is the only dinosaur that existed in real life.
  • It is also the only animal to have all their letters in caps.
  • The T-Rex is also the only animal to be named (evidence proven by T-REX the Dinosaur).
  • It is also the first and only animal that was going to have to have the same name as a canon animal.
  • There was a glitch where if the player chose T-REX, they would obtain 5M XP and would respawn with 5M XP again if they died.
    • There was also a glitch where the T-REX could bite drag animals from far away by hovering over them with the 1v1 Crosshair. This bug was patched in the October 8 update.
    • A similar glitch also is currently in operation, where the T-Rex can drag a Vulture while it is flying via its Special Ability.
  • There were three scrapped skins before the first in-game skin, and has the second quantity of most potential designs (the first being the Dolphin).
Animals in
