
UPGRADED to Ostrich!
Lay eggs to hatch babies!
Command babies by placing your crosshair (right-click/W)
They can attack prey!

The Ostrich, also called the Mother Ostrich or Parent Ostrich, is a tier 13 Land animal in It is equivalent to Hippo, Boa Constrictor, Killer Whale, Sabertooth Tiger and Komodo Dragon. The Ostrich was first released in the "Invasion of the Birds" update on May 13, 2018.



Season 1 Mother Ostrich[]

The Ostrich's color is mostly black, with the black being the color of the body. It has a baby pink head, an orange beak with two small black ovals as nostrils, white feathers on it's neck, and two black eyes making an angry expression with shine in the top left corner of it's eyes. The tip of it's tail feathers and wings also comprise of white.

Golden Mother Ostrich[]

The Golden Ostrich is golden with bared eyes. The eyes also have a curve instead of a straight line. It’s wings are more spiky, as well as it’s tail. It’s beak is also more rounded and a lighter color, but other than that it looks very similar to the regular Ostrich. It’s eyes also look slightly up.

Ruffled Mother Ostrich[]

The Ruffled Ostrich is yellowish brown, the same color as the normal Ostrich chicks but darker, with spiky feathers. It’s wings lie flat against its body, and it’s light pink head also has a visible neck. It’s head, eyes and beak are smaller and it’s beak is a light gray. It’s eyes are bared with a straight line instead of a curve like the Golden Ostrich.


The Baby Ostrich is a tier 13 Land animal in that is controlled by the Mother Ostrich, and is equivalent to the Hippo, Boa Constrictor, Killer Whale, Sabertooth Tiger and Komodo Dragon. The Baby Ostrich was first released along with the Mother Ostrich in the "Invasion of the Birds" update on May 13, 2018.


Not to be confused with: Duck Eggs
  • Baby Ostriches themselves are not playable, but can be accessed when a Mother Ostrich lays an egg by pressing W, which can be done after having upgraded from the Eagle, Shark, Rhino, or Wolverine at 350K XP.
  • When upgrading to the Elephant, Giant Spider, Cassowary, Blue Whale, Mammoth or Blackwidow Spider at 650K XP, the Ostrich babies will no longer be controllable, and will begin to wander around randomly.
  • Ostrich Babies will hatch from the Eggs of Ostriches, which are hatched by the player pressing W. These eggs can be pushed into hiding holes, which will cause them to disappear until the Baby hatches.
  • The Special Ability of the Mother Ostrich is to Command Babies. Baby Ostriches will follow the crosshair that is produced by this special ability wherever it is targeted.
  • The Baby Ostrich can consume any food source in the game, with the exception of whole Aloevera plants and cacti. Unlike the Mother Ostrich, it is able to eat Dates, Berries and Cactus Pears.
  • Prey of the Baby Ostrich includes all animals within the range of tier 1 to tier 12 (Mouse to Rhino).
  • Predators of the Baby Ostrich includes all animals within the range of tier 8 to tier 17 (Cobra to Black Dragon). Although, while Cobra to Rhino tier is considered predator of the Baby Ostrich whilst being prey to the Mother Ostrich, Baby Ostriches and tier 8-12 animals mutually inflict damage on the other's Health Bar, with the Baby Ostrich doing more damage if it is facing the attacking animal.
    • Ostrich Babies can bite the tails of tier 13 equivalents, but their equivalents cannot damage them back.


Baby Ostrich[]

The chicks are a yellowish-brown and about the size of an advanced Mouse.

Baby Golden Ostrich[]

The chicks are the same scenario as the Golden Mother Ostrich, but have smooth, round feathers and a gold gradient starting at their head. Their eyes also look slightly up. The eggs are golden in color.

Baby Ruffled Ostrich[]

The chicks are the same color as the Ruffled Mother Ostrich chicks but have more ruffled feathers, a light salmon head and a large gray beak


As an Ostrich[]

  • The fastest way to proceed to tier 14 is to attack and kill prey, utilizing the Command Babies ability to control the Ostrich Babies and more easily damage targets.
    • Animals that are too low on the food chain for the player to attack are a threat to the player's Eggs (laid by pressing W, which hatch into Babies). To avoid low-tiers raiding the player's Eggs, push them into a hiding hole, where they will remain safely until hatched.
      • Once the player has hatched some Babies, set them on any raiding animals with the crosshair.
    • To effectively use the Babies, the player should use them to block off areas of refuge for prey such as Hiding Holes/Caves, hills, or trees. Targeting areas ahead of where the player's prey currently is will also be useful in staying a step ahead of them.
    • The Babies should be defended well. While in conjunction with an attack by the player they work well; without the Mother Ostrich the Babies are weak and vulnerable to attack from predators or prey.
      • If a blue dot is visible under one of the Babies, its water bar is low; direct it to a water spot or Healing Stone so that it will not die of dehydration.
    • An additional way to gain XP is to target fellow tier 13 animals (namely the Hippo and Boa Constrictor) with the Babies via the crosshair, as the Ostrich Babies can bite the tails of other tier 13 animals. Furthermore, the Mother Ostrich's equivalents cannot harm the Babies without using Special Abilities.
  • Another option is to not use the Ostrich Babies at all, relying on speed alone. The Mother Ostrich is the fastest animal in (without using its Special Ability), allowing it to easily escape predators and catch up even to prey that uses speed-enhancing Abilities.
    • Should the player choose to do this, they must keep a constant eye on their water bar. Without Babies being used, the Mother Ostrich will not gain water as frequently, causing the player to have to refill more and more. Also, the Mother Ostrich loses water a lot faster than the average animal due to having faster speed.
  • If the player would rather farm and not level up by eating other players, eating Honey Bees from Beehives will be the quickest leveling-up method.
    • Ostrich Babies should be used for this. By targeting the crosshair to a Beehive, the Honey Bees will exit their Hive in larger numbers due to them targeting low-tiers more often. Since anything consumed by the Ostrich Babies will fill up the player's XP bar, the player does not even have to do anything themselves.
    • It is wise to let the Babies do all the work and for the Mother Ostrich not to eat Bees, as if the Mother is stung, it will become more of a target to predators due to the Sting dramatically decreasing movement speed.
  • Predator-wise, the Ostrich is mostly safe due to its high speed. The player should be sure to keep their water bar full as previously mentioned; predators will likely take advantage of the player if they have a low water bar by camping.
    • If the player is using Ostrich Babies, directing the Babies in a different direction than the Mother Ostrich can be useful to mislead any predator that is chasing after the player. Alternatively, the player can target the predator with the Babies to slow the predator down.
    • Make sure to keep the Babies away from Elephants and Blue Whales at all costs. Since the Trunk Hit and Tail Slap abilities of both animals can kill the player's babies in a single shot, be cautious of them
    • The King Dragon can also Tail Slap Babies in a single shot. King Dragons are not found regularly on servers, and can usually be avoided by staying away from the Volcano.

Against an Ostrich[]

  • As prey facing a predatory Ostrich, eating the ostrich's babies will weaken its forces.
    • As a prey item to the Ostrich, the player should watch for their health when attempting to eat the babies, as they also damage the player whn facing towards them. Therefore, the best time to eat one is when the Ostrich is focused on other prey or pick off stragglers.
    • The Ostrich is the fastest animal in As a result, outrunning an Ostrich on the ground is nead impossible without the aid of abilities, and even with speed-increasing abilities it can be challenging. It is crucial that the player gets to a hill, tree or hiding hole to avoid them.
    • Fleeing to mud is useless unless the player plans on diving to escape, as Ostriches are fast there. The babies aren't.
    • The only real way to escape an Ostrich is in water, which should only be done if the player can quickly move in it. Although it's slower, the boost interval of the Ostrich can sort of counteract the slowing effect of water.
  • For predators of the Ostrich, always focus on the mother, as they give much more XP than the babies do.
    • When an Ostrich upgrades/is eaten, the babies sense of direction will disorientate and they will move about randomly. If the player sees lone babies, it's worth eating them for moderate amounts of XP.
  • Although most predators struggle to keep up with the Ostrich's impeccable speed, the player should be relentless with their chasing. The Ostrich runs out of water very rapidly, and once it runs low it can't run anymore.
    • As long as the player is well hydrated, keeps running, and steers them away from water spots, the Ostrich should be low within a couple minutes. Even if the Ostrich is out of FoV, as long as the player knows their general direction, they should keep pursuing the prey item.
  • Some Ostrich players use their babies to guard blocking the mother. In that case, try to evade them unless the player has one of the few abilities that can one-shot them.
  • Predators such as the Cassowary are good for charging to keep up with the Ostrich, and using their kick to weaken it. The player should try to keep the Ostrich away from water and mud, as the Cassowary is slow there (less for mud).
  • As an Elephant, the player can kill babies with a single hit of their trunk.
  • Animals that can produce fire, such as the Dragon and Phoenix, are excellent hunters as their fire triples water loss. Combined with the quick water loss of the Ostrich, they should run out of water in no time.
    • The Dragon and Phoenix can also fly over everything at a consistent speed, able to traverse the hills and rocks the ostrich cannot. In the case of the Phoenix, it additionally has reduced boost interval, but care must be taken to avoid water where it's sluggish.





Update History
Update Changes/Notes
July 30, 2021: Summer Update
February 16, 2021: Redemption/Accounts Update
  • Bug fix 2: Ostrich Babies can enter Caves again.
January 15, 2021
  • Bug fix: Ostrich Babies can enter Caves again.
  • Bug fix: King Dragon-S2 can kill Ostrich babies with its Tail Slap in a single shot again.
October 3, 2020
  • Ostrich Babies will not provide water to the Mother Ostrich's water bar when using a Healing Stone.
August 11, 2020
  • Bug fix: Mother Ostrich can target itself with the crosshair again.
March 3, 2020
  • Bug fix: Tornadoes will not cause the player's screen to go black when duplicating Ostrich Eggs.
December 23, 2019: #GoldenAge
  • Golden Ostrich skins for the Mother (Golden Ostrich) and Babies (Golden Baby Ostrich) added to the Store.
  • Ruffled Ostrich skins for the Mother (Ruffled Ostrich) and Babies (Ruffled Baby Ostrich) added to the Store.
December 3, 2018
  • Babies' bite damage increased.
  • Egg laying and hatching waiting time decreased.
  • A maximum of 8 eggs can be laid.
May 13, 2018: Invasion of the Birds
  • Ostrich and Ostrich Babies added.


  • The Mother Ostrich is the only animal to have the Ability to control another animal, and alongside the Flamingo is the only animal to create AI.
  • Excluding abilities or terrain factors, the Ostrich is tied with the Cheetah in terms of speed, and they are thought to be the fastest animals in the game (including abilities and terrain factors, the fastest is the Falcon when Sky-Diving).
  • The Mother Ostrich cannot eat another Mother Ostrich's Babies, but it can eat the Eggs of other Ostriches.
Animals in
